We strive to see all of our partners live a life of purpose. We believe every partnership you create throughout your life serves a purpose. Our purpose here at R6 Wealth Management is to see you build an extraordinary life which will have a signific impact on your future generations.
R6 was founded on 6 guiding principles. Theses 6 principles are apparent in every aspect of our business.
- Trustworthy – Investing is a very personal process. We understand this and strive every day to build your upmost trust. We will do this through a process of absolute respect and transparency.
- Collaborative - You are not a client. You are our partner. Success in the financial planning process takes teamwork. We will be here every step of the way to partner with you through the process.
- Diligent – Investing can at times can be scary and anxiety provoking. We will implement diligent time-tested strategies to meet your financial goals.
- Intelligent - Investing is an ever-evolving process. For this reason, the R6 financial professionals constantly educate themselves on the new rules and regulations within the financial industry. Understanding change and adapting to it quickly is key to success.
- Progressive – Due to constant changes in the political and economic environments. It is crucial that progressive investment strategies are implemented within your portfolio. For this reason, we keep an open line of communication with our partners. We want to make the best decision possible with the data at hand.
- Informative – The investment process with R6 is one of constant education. It is our desire to not only help you build your financial plan, but we want you to truly understand it. When you understand the strategies and decision implanted in your planning it creates a more powerful partnership.

Investing is a very private and personal matter. Each individuals’ financial goals are different. For that reason, we customize a financial plan for every partner we serve. The process however for building this plan is very standardized. We implement a 4-step process in building our partnership.
Introduction Process
It is very important that our partners are comfortable with their relationship with R6. For this reason, every new prospect will have an introduction to R6 and the members of our team to see if the partnership will serve as a solid foundation for their financial future.
Discovery Process
We have a very systematic process for gathering the information needed to decipher your financial needs. The financial world is very vast. The products, services and solutions are even greater. The discovery process often allows up to understand the needs of each person to meet their financial goals.
Execution Process
Following a very detailed and comprehensive discovery appointment, we lay out the appropriate investment options. Remember, investing is a very collaborative process. We will lay out the best strategies available in the industry and then collaborate with you to finalize the financial plan.
Management Process
Investing requires constant education. The industry is constantly evolving. For this reason, we set up and ongoing appointment schedule to make sure we have consistent contact with our partners.